Udacity Data Wrangling Project Done!

I am currently enrolled in the Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree program. Yesterday, I’ve successfully submitted and passed the review of my third project, Data Wrangling. This project was about download some dataset from the web via HTTP, audit it if they have irrelevant values, clean it using the Python script, import it to the database (I chose MongoDB), and get some insights using the database query. So in summary, I’ve learned:

  • Data wrangling technique
  • Data auditing process using Python
  • MongoDB

Although I already knew how to work with Python and MongoDB pretty well, it was good to learn the overall process how to deal with data from the Web. Have a look on my exercise if you are interested in – you can find the report and the source codes here! I will keep posting my progress about Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree program in this blog.